Nikola Tesla
Tesla’s Writings

1. Mr Nikola Tesla on alternating current motors, Electrical World, New York, May 25th, 1887.
2. Tesla replies to Dr. Duncan explaining his alternating current motor, Electrical Review, New York, June 12th, 1888.
3. Phenomena of Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency, Electrical World, New York, February 21st , 1891.
4. Erscheinungen bei Wechselströmen mit hoher Wechselzahl, E.T.Z. [Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift], Berlin, H. 23, 5. VI 1891.
5. Alternate current electrostatic induction apparatus, Electrical Engineer, New York, May 6th, 1891.
6. An electrolytic clock, Electrical Engineer, New York, May 6th, 1891.
7. Electric discharge in vacuum tubes, Electrical Engineer, New York, July 1st, 1891.
8. Notes on a unipolar dynamo, Electrical Engineer, New York, September 1st, 1891.
9. ‘Massage’ with currents of high frequency, Electrical Engineer, New York, December 23rd, 1891.
10. On the Dissipation of the Electrical Energy of the Hertz Resonator, Electrical Engineer, New York, December 21st, 1892.
11. The physiological and other effects of high frequency currents, Electrical Engineer, New York, February 1st, 1893.
12. Les vibrations électriques fréquentes, Moniteur industriel, Paris, 1893.
13. Tesla’s Oscillator and Other Inventions, Century Illustrated Magazine,New York, April 1895.
14. Earth Electricity to Kill Monopoly, The World Sunday Magazine March 8th, 1896.
15. Tesla on Roentgen Rays : Tesla’s startling results in radiography at great distances through considerable thicknesses of substance, Electrical Review, New York, March 11th, 1896.
16. Tesla’s latest results : he now produces radiographs at a distance of more than forty feet, Electrical Review, New York, March 18th, 1896.
17. Tesla on reflected Roentgen rays, Electrical Review, New York , April 1st, 1896.
18. Tesla on Roentgen radiations, Electrical Review, New York, April 8th, 1896.
19. Tesla’s latest Roentgen ray investigations, Electrical Review, New York, April 22nd, 1896.
20. Roentgen rays or streams, Electrical Review, New York, August 12th, 1896.
21. Mr. Tesla on thermo-electricity, Electrical Engineer, New York, December 23rd, 1896.
22. Tesla on the hurtful actions of Lenard and Roentgen tubes, Electrical Review, New York, May 5th, 1897.
23. On the source of Roentgen rays and the practical construction and safe operation of Lenard tubes, Electrical Review, New York, Aug. 11th, 1897; Electrical Engineer, New York, Aug. 19th, 1897.
24. Tesla’s latest advance in vaccum tube lighting, Electrical Review, New York, January 5th, 1898.
25. Electricity to tame wild beasts (Tesla on animal training by electricity), New York Journal & Advertiser, New York, February 6th, 1898.
26. Tesla perfecting a war engine, St. Louis Republican, St. Louis, May 1st, 1898.
27. My new submarine destroyer, New York Journal, New York, September 13th, 1898.
28. Plans to Dispense With Artillery of the Present Type, The Sun, New York, November 21st, 1898.
29. Tesla Describes His Efforts in Various Fields of Work, Electrical Review, New York, November 30th, 1898.
30. On Current Interrupters, Electrical Review, New York, March 15th, 1899.
31. The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (with special reference to the harnessing of the sun’s energy), The Century Illustrated Magazine, New York, June 1900.
32. Tesla’s New Discovery, The Sun, New York, January 30th, 1901.
33. Talking With the Planets, Collier’s Weekly, Springfield, Ohio, February 9th, 1901.
34. Inventor Tesla’s Plant Nearing Completion, Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn, February 8th, 1902.
35. Tesla thinks wind power should be used more now, Philadelphia North American, Philadelphia, May 18th, 1902.
36. The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires, Electrical World and Engineer, New York, March 5th, 1904.
37. Electric Autos, Manufacturers’ Record, New York, December 29th, 1904.
38. The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires as a Means for Furthering Peace, Electrical World and Engineer, New York, January 7th, 1905.
39. Subway dangers, The New York Sun, New York, June 16th, 1905.
40. Flying machine in exploration, The Journal, Columbus,Ohio, July 16th, 1905.
41. Tesla on the Peary North Pole expedition, The New York Sun, New York, July 22nd, 1905.
42. Signaling to Mars : A problem of electrical engineering, Harvard Illustrated Magazine, Cambridge. Mass., March 1907.
43. Tuned Lightning, English Mechanic and World of Science,London, March 8th, 1907.
44. Tesla’s Wireless Torpedo, New York Times, New York, March 19th, 1907.
45. Sleep from electricity, New York Times, New York, Oct. 17th, 1907.
46. Possibilities of Wireless, New York Times, New York, Oct. 22nd, 1907.
47. Deadly wave : Naval battles of the future to be fought by water power, Detroit News Tribune, Detroit, December 29th, 1907.
48. The Future of the Wireless Art, Wireless Telegraphy & Telephony, Van Nostrand, 1908.
49. Mr. Tesla’s Vision, New York Times, New York, April 21st, 1908.
50. Electrical control of the weather will soon be an accomplished fact, St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, November 15th, 1908.
51. How to signal to Mars, New York Times, New York, May 23rd, 1909.
52. Nikola Tesla’s New Wireless, The Electrical Engineer, London, December 24th, 1909.
53. What science may achieve this year, New York World, New York, Jan. 9th, 1910; Denver Rocky Mountain News, Denver, January 16th, 1910.
54. Dr. Tesla Talks of Gas Turbines, Motor World, September 18th,1911.
55. Tesla’s New Monarch of Machines, New York Herald Tribune, New York, October 15th, 1911.
56. Mr. Tesla on the future, Modern Electrics, New York, May 1912.
57. The Disturbing Influence of Solar Radiation On the Wireless Transmission of Energy, Electrical Review and Western Electrician, New York , July 6th, 1912.
58. Nikola Tesla discusses the possible ending of the war, The New York Sun, New York, December 20th, 1914.
59. How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies, New York American, New York, February 7th, 1915.
60. Some Personal Recollections, Scientific American, New York, June 5th, 1915.
61. The Wonder World To Be Created By Electricity, Manufacturer’s Record, New York, September 9th, 1915.
62. Nikola Tesla Sees a Wireless Vision, New York Times, New York, October 3rd, 1915.
63. Tesla’s New Device Like Bolts of Thor, New York Times, New York, December 8th, 1915.
64. Wonders of the Future, Collier’s Weekly, Springfield, Ohio, December 2nd, 1916.
65. Electric Drive for Battle Ships, New York Herald, New York, February 25th, 1917.
67. Tesla’s Views on Electricity and the War, The Electrical Experimenter, New York, August 1917.
68. The effect of statics on wireless transmission, Electrical Experimenter, New York, January 1919.
69. My Inventions, Electrical Experimenter, New York, February-June and October 1919.
70. Famous Scientific Illusions, Electrical Experimenter, New York, February 1919.
71. The Moon’s rotation, Electrical Experimenter, New York, April and June 1919.
72. The True Wireless, Electrical Experimenter, New York, May 1919.
73. Electrical Oscillators, Electrical Experimenter, New York, July 1919.
74. Rain Can Be Controlled and Hydraulic Force Provided, Syracuse Herald, New York, February 29th, 1920.
75. Developments in practice and art of telephotography, Electrical Review, New York, December 11th, 1920.
76. Interplanetary communication, Electrical World, New York, November 24th, 1921.
77. When Woman is Boss, Colliers, Buffalo, New York, January 30th, 1926.
78. World System of Wireless Transmission of Energy, Telegraph and Telegraph Age, New York, October 16th, 1927.
79. Nikola Tesla Tells of New Radio Theories, New York Herald Tribune, September 22nd, 1929.
80. Our future motive power, Everyday science and mechanics, New York, December 1931.
81. Tesla Cosmic Ray Motor May Transmit Power ‘Round Earth, Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn, July 10th, 1932.
82. Pioneer Radio Engineer Gives Views On Power, New York Herald Tribune, New York, September 11th, 1932.
83. Breaking up tornadoes, Everyday science and mechanics, New York, December 1933.
84. The Eternal Source of Energy of the Universe, Origin and Intensity of Cosmic Rays, New York, October 13th, 1932.
85. Tesla ‘Harnesses’ Cosmic Energy, Philadelphia Public Ledger, Philadelphia, November 2nd, 1933.
86. Electro-static generators, Scientific American, New York, March 1934.
87. Tesla Invents Peace Ray, New York Sun, New York, July 10th, 1934.
88. Tesla on Power Development and Future Marvels, New York World Telegram, New York, July 24th, 1934.
89. A Machine to End War, Liberty, February 1935.
90. Tesla Predicts Ships Powered by Shore Beam, New York Herald Tribune, New York, May 5th, 1935.
91. The New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-dispersive Energy Through Natural Media, (System of Particle Acceleration for Use in National Defense) circa May 16th, 1935.