Opening Hours
Monday: 10:00-18:00
Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-20:00

Contact info
+381 11 2433 886
+381 11 2438 137
Monday-Friday 10:00-15:00

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Радно време
понедељак: 10:00-18:00
уторак-недеља: 10:00-20:00

Контакт инфо
011/2433-886, 011/2438-137
понедељaк-петак 10:00-15:00

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System of Four Resonant Circuits

This is a working model that illustrates the operation of Tesla’s basic patent for wireless signal transmission from 1897. It consists of a transmitter with two resonant circuits and antenna and a receiver with two resonant circuits and antenna. By tuning the resonant circuits at the transmission and reception sides, resonance conditions are established as well as transmission/reception of the signal where the control lamp is lit up.

People who have sensitive medical devices (pacemakers, etc.) are not allowed near the device.