Opening Hours
Monday: 10:00-18:00
Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-20:00

Contact info
+381 11 2433 886
+381 11 2438 137
Monday-Friday 10:00-15:00

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понедељак: 10:00-18:00
уторак-недеља: 10:00-20:00

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011/2433-886, 011/2438-137
понедељaк-петак 10:00-15:00

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Photo Material

Photographic material from the legacy Nikola Tesla is one of the categories within the Personal Collection of Nikola Tesla. The photographic material is sorted according to the medium, into photographs, slides and photographic plates.

The photographic material from this collection makes it possible for the famous inventor and his scientific work to be better studied and popularized.

Because of the material and technical nature of this collection, although it is classified among the archival holdings, the photographic material is in many ways a special category and requires different handling in terms of processing, storing and conditions of preservation and conservation.

The largest number of surviving photographs shows Tesla’s inventions in low and high currents, as well as his work in mechanical engineering, his laboratories, portraits and group photographs, photographs of his relatives, business associates and friends.

The Museum holds 976 photographic prints, 270 photographic plates and 172 slides.

Welcome to the Nikola Tesla Museum.