Opening Hours
Monday: 10:00-18:00
Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-20:00

Contact info
+381 11 2433 886
+381 11 2438 137
Monday-Friday 10:00-15:00

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Радно време
понедељак: 10:00-18:00
уторак-недеља: 10:00-20:00

Контакт инфо
011/2433-886, 011/2438-137
понедељaк-петак 10:00-15:00

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Plans and Drawings

This group, “Plans and Drawings” contains material which is closely connected to the “Industry” category. However, because of its size and the different storage and conservation methods required, it is maintained separately from the scientific work. Tesla’s plans and drawings are in various formats and on various kinds of paper. According to the latest revision there are a total of 1,623 items.

Welcome to the Nikola Tesla Museum.