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Monday: 10:00-18:00
Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-20:00

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Monday-Friday 10:00-15:00

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011/2433-886, 011/2438-137
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Electrical Engineering

The collection of items from the field of electrical engineering, catalog no. T:25, comprises 76 different exhibits which are grouped into the following areas: electrical measuring instruments, electrical insulation, transmission of electrical energy, medical instruments, electrical devices and components of these.

The collection includes a number of insulators (26 items) and instruments for measuring electrical voltage, current and resistance (15 exhibits). There are also capacitors, electrical heaters, samples of electric cables, coils of fine wire, reels of insulating tape and a desktop bell push. These items were used in laboratory testing of electrical concepts, for instance in evaluating the operating characteristics of electrical machines.

Some original items (bearings, rubber elements, insulators and so on) are present in two or more examples of identical dimensions and material, thus the collection has altogether 109 individual articles.

Among the original artefacts preserved are two of particular interest: a section of cable from Niagara and a static electricity eliminator.

Welcome to the Nikola Tesla Museum.